Announcing Four New Fresh Expressions!
Our congregation – and indeed the entire Florida Conference – has been hearing a lot about Fresh Expressions (FX) of church over the last few years. Late last year, Rev. Beth challenged us to implement at least one FX before the end of 2022. She hosted two FX brainstorming workshops in December; attendees prioritized a few potential FX out of dozens of ideas. And this summer, church members identified even more.
During the July 24 Town Hall meeting, we reviewed four ideas and asked for volunteers to lead and participate. I’m thrilled to report that we will soon kick off three of those ministries, plus another one that wasn’t on the agenda!
The FX are:
– – Weekly spend time with residents and friends at Lake Morton Plaza: might be for devotions, Bible study, prayer, a hymn sing, outings, and relationship building. Betty McKey offered to lead.
– – Ashlee French will organize an arts and crafts FX, which could include sewing, beading, knitting, or whatever participants want to teach or learn.
– – A wellness-oriented FX might include health, exercise, financial awareness, work-life balance, and relat- ed topics. James Leonard will lead.
– – Nancy Ellis and Janet Jones agreed to co-lead and explore a children- and youth-related FX.
In the coming weeks, the teams will plan the initial version of each FX. We will listen to the Holy Spirit and be open to what works and what doesn’t, so that we might truly be Jesus’ hands and feet in our community. Please contact any of the leaders to learn more. If you don’t feel called to participate in any of these, that is perfectly okay. The teams will appreciate your prayers and any help in spreading the word – perhaps through social media, e-mailing friends outside the church, or posting flyers in your community or workplace.
Fresh Expressions, a CHUMC Advent[ure]
Rebeca Chacón Chief Musician for Hispanic Ministries
Frankie Chapman Parish Visitor
Karen Coombs Organist
Keith Dyer Choir Director
Rev. Elizabeth (Beth) Gardner Pastor
Sue Heishman Financial Secretary
Dave LaFrenier Facilities Manager
Rev. Dr. Lucy Martinez Pastor of Hispanic Ministries
Andy Williams Chef (Retired)
Thelma Williams Substitute Parish Visitor
Sharon Wood Secretary
Susan Wuitschick Treasurer