Snack Sack Ministry

The College Heights Snack Sack Ministry provides a back pack of food items to students a Jesse Keen Elementary School who have been identified by the school as not having enough to eat over a weekend.   

The Snack Sack Ministry exists because of the faithful efforts of our congregation. It is not part of the budget and does not receive funds from regular pledges and offerings, so donations must be specifically designated for “Snack Sack Ministry.” our generous response of donations and/or actual items to the special programs – “Food of the Month,” Thanksgiving Boxes, Angel Tree Christmas gifts, “Undie Sunday,” and school uniforms – and donation of your time are vitally important as contributions of funds and items would be of no use without the dedicated volunteers who purchase, organize, pack, and deliver the food and other items to the school. 

E-mail the church office or call 863-682-8191 for more information.   

Prayer Shawl Ministry (Ministerio de Oración Chal)

The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes shawls for those who are going through a difficult situation. Please e-mail the church office or call us at 863-682-8191 for information about the next session.  

Creative Crafters

Experienced and aspiring crafters meet each month for fun and fellowship. Feel free to bring your own craft or join us in a group crafting project. ALL ARE WELCOME – please e-mail the church office or call us at 863-682-8191 for information about the next session.  

Prayer group

Our intercessory prayer group meets every Tuesday at 11:00 a.m

United Women of Faith

Several United Women of Faith circles meet monthly: some at the church, some at members’ homes, and some in other locations. Please contact the church office @ 863-682-8191 or e-mail us for the monthly schedule. 

College Heights United Methodist Church has always been very mission-minded. We support local and global missions, including:

Fresh Expressions, a CHUMC Advent[ure]

Fresh Expressions is an international, ecumenical movement that creates new forms of worship that take place outside the walls of the church. College Heights is establishing several new Fresh Expressions of worship: learn what they are and why we offer them by watching the videos below.  Then, visit Fresh Expressions Florida to find out about innovative forms of worship across Florida.