Even more...

Need a ride?

If you need a ride to Sunday worship, call the church office @ 863-682-8191 or e-mail us and we will do our best to find someone to help.


We have volunteer opportunities within the Church and community throughout the year and many mission projects: 

  • Communion steward
  • Sound and video engineer
  • Online worship 
  • Snack Sack Ministry
  • Sing, Pray, Love worship leaders (at Lake Morton Plaza)
  • Children’s Church teacher
  • Youth activities
  • Usher
  • Driver
  • Greeter
  • Liturgist see below
  • Acolyte (adults welcome!) see below
  • Fellowship and Breaking Bread volunteer
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Florida United Methodist Annual Conference support
  • Committee service
  • Assisting with one-time projects
  • Web design
  • Office volunteers

Acolytes and Chancel Assistants

Anyone, from grade 4, is eligible to be an acolyte.

Training includes a how-to as well as symbolism and traditions.

Adults and high-school age students may help serve communion as well.  


Lay worship leaders, or liturgists, assist the pastor in leading the congregation, typically handling the following portions of the service:

  • Greeting the congregation
  • Announcing the Hymn of Praise
  • Leading the Opening Prayer
  • Leading the Prayer for Illumination
  • Leading the responsive Psalter reading


Liturgists may also be asked to help serve Communion, or participate in special services. 

College Heights welcomes all persons who feel called to serve God and the congregation in this way.  


The church believes that marriage is a sacred occasion.  While it has a social and legal aspect, these are secondary to its spiritual significance. In addition to being a joyous occasion, your wedding is a sacred worship service.

Contact the church office to check availability of dates.  Pre-marital counseling is required.  Call the office to set these dates with the pastor.